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GSA Creating Cloud Email and Collaboration Contract

The General Services Administration (GSA) is working on a unique version of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Defense Enterprise Office Solution (DEOS) $8.2 billion contract for civilians. The contract is based on cloud email and collaboration applications tentatively being called the Civilian Enterprise Office Solution (CEOS).

Currently CEOS is in the beginning stages of development. The vehicle is expected to be similar to other DISA Cloud Services Contractrecent federal contracts for the enhancement of cloud competencies for email and collaboration apps. The Commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, Alan Thomas, states the idea for CEOS was born from DEOS, which was planned as an office-system complement to the military cloud program Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI). JEDI is on GSA’s Schedule 70.

GSA published the last solicitation for DEOS on April 26th. DISA will be utilizing the single-award contract to enable approximately 3.1 million users to access a cloud-based platform for classified and unclassified communications. The platform will feature enterprise-level email, file storage/management, web conferencing/messaging, productivity software, and mobility applications.

To read more about DISA DEOS and similar contracts, please visit this link if you are an EZGovOpps subscriber (you must be signed in), or sign up for a free trial today.

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